
Curbing Game Disruptions: Overwatch Players Eye Call of Duty’s Punitive Measures for Habitual Quitters

  • Culture.org
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  • May 30, 2023
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  • 4 minute read
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Curbing Game Disruptions: Overwatch Players Eye Call of Duty’s Punitive Measures for Habitual Quitters

In this article, we’ll delve into the growing unrest among Overwatch 2 fans about habitual game quitters and how the Call of Duty’s shadow-ban system for such players might serve as a promising solution.

Key Takeaways
  • Overwatch fans consider adopting Call of Duty's system for punishing frequent game leavers.
  • The idea of a "leaver's queue" was warmly received by the community.
  • Concerns were raised about innocent players experiencing game glitches being unfairly penalized.
  • The plan, while potentially effective, requires perfect execution to avoid unjustly punishing innocent gamers.

Emulating Call of Duty’s Shadow-Ban System

Taking a step forward in the gaming community, players of the increasingly popular Overwatch 2 are voicing their approval of a significant system overhaul.

Drawing inspiration from the disciplinary measures enforced in the Call of Duty universe, Overwatch enthusiasts have come to appreciate the benefits of the shadow-ban system.

Implemented in Call of Duty, this innovative system targets cheaters and habitual quitters by lumping them together, a solution that has been effective in tackling issues disrupting gameplay.

By confining those who frequently leave games prematurely to their own circle, Call of Duty has kept the gaming experience pleasant for its dedicated and committed players.

Overwatch 2 fans see a valuable lesson in this approach.

The Potential Impact of a “Leaver’s Queue

Discussion among fans in the Reddit forum has led to the proposition of introducing a “leaver’s queue” to Overwatch.

It’s clear that this suggestion has received considerable endorsement from the community, with many players acknowledging the impact it could have on the quality of gameplay.

The objective here is simple and direct – to deter frequent game abandoners by denying them the rewards of victory, even if their team eventually wins in their absence.

This idea is not new; it has its roots in the Call of Duty system, but its implementation in Overwatch could bring about a significant shift in the game’s dynamics.

Implemented in Call of Duty, this innovative system targets cheaters and habitual quitters by lumping them together, a solution that has been effective in tackling issues disrupting gameplay.

Unintended Consequences: The Issue of Innocent Players

However, all is not smooth sailing.

There are concerns and valid reservations about the possibility of ensnaring innocent players within this disciplinary net.

Players encountering technical glitches or server crashes could inadvertently be labeled as ‘serial quitters’, leading to their unjust punishment.

These unintended victims of the system would find themselves thrust into the penal category, alongside the very players they wish to avoid.

Such a predicament would not only tarnish the gaming experience for these individuals but could also potentially lead to a decline in the game’s active player base.

Striking a Balance: The Need for Perfect Execution

In light of these concerns, the Overwatch community is clear about one thing: the proposed changes must be implemented with utmost precision.

While the ‘leaver’s queue’ is widely seen as a promising step towards improving gameplay, it must be executed flawlessly to prevent innocent players from bearing the brunt of the system.

It is clear that the community is prepared to endure a temporary period of adjustment if it means improving the long-term gameplay experience for dedicated players.

The proposed system is not without its challenges, but it represents a sincere effort to curb the disruption caused by ‘serial quitters’.

As Overwatch fans rally behind this potential solution, the gaming community eagerly anticipates the impact it could have on the way we play and experience online games.

Only time will tell whether this new strategy will effectively weed out habitual game quitters or whether it will result in an unexpected and undesirable transformation of the Overwatch 2 gameplay experience.


The Overwatch community is eager to find solutions to the disruptive issue of ‘serial quitters.’

Adopting a system akin to Call of Duty’s shadow-ban, they believe, could provide a much-needed remedy.

However, concerns linger over potential collateral damage, such as unfairly penalizing innocent players with glitchy games.
The consensus is that the proposal holds promise, but its execution must be spot-on to ensure fairness while enhancing the overall gaming experience.

This endeavor underscores the continual struggle in the gaming world to balance engagement, fairness, and the ultimate enjoyment of players.



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